
  • Employability Enhancement

    Employability is about possessing skills and qualifications that will make somebody employ you. In simple words, your educational qualifications, experience, skills, communication skills, personality traits, references, additional learning, interests, readiness to join the job are all part of your 'Employability'. 


    We have degrees that match the criteria. But the former, which is indeed the first requisite, is missing terribly. Launching world-class 'Choice Based Credit System' or some Cambridge-Trinity-Oxford-Stanford formulas won't do any good without making our own stakeholders ready to adapt to changes.

    We know that competence leads to stability in Career. We have not been failed by employers or lack of jobs. The reason of recessions or unemployment is not unknown anymore. There are realisations as well research to showcase our educational blunders where we forgot to make 'employability' a priority. 

    Skill-Mismatch is the devil we have been ignoring for decades. It is like closing our eyes to the darkness and believing that all is well. Job providers are asking for something and job seekers are going to them with something else.

    UniSkills has Employability Enhancement as one of the missions. We do not give job/placement services. We make you competent to Select a Job-Earn an Appointment-Work with Confidence-Grow into Leader.

    Employers have been saying it loud to the educational institutions that there has been a severe Skill-Gap. It has resulted in changes and several modifications in the syllabi and nomenclature of degrees as well. But, skill gap and mismatch have widened their attack on the careers of lakhs of job aspirants. A recent study in a reputed daily noted that more than 60% of the eight lakh engineers from around 3288 AICTE approved institutions remain unemployed every year. This is serious, very serious indeed.

    We need to know that the impact of this fallout is more on us. UniSkills has an ecosystem that encourages Employability Enhancement.

    We are engaged in correcting the roots, not the stems alone. We deliver training to Teachers at the same institutions where we take students responsibility. We know, unless the teachers are made capable, students will fall prey to the absence of skills.

    Employability Enhancement also includes the improvement of skills for those who are already in jobs. Upskilling is an important aspect of UniSkills vision.

    Join our short term Learning Meets that add to your readiness to take a job!