Kurukshetra is globally known as the birthplace of Srimadbhagawad Gita. The Life Philosophy of Gita has been guiding the world for more than 5000 years now. Being at Kurukshetra, UniSkills is completely dedicated to imparting skills to each of our Kurukshetra family members. From children to senior citizens, from officers to support staff members, from media persons to teachers and from a tourist guide to hospitality lead.

We have been assisting the District Administration for Social Media Smartness and Employability Enhancement workshops. Such workshops have been conducted at the District Library, Kurukshetra and at UniSkills and people from all age groups and domains attended free of cost.

Team UniSkills is always available for such service aimed workshops and we offer these as our CSR activities.

Skill Kurukshetra is to continue through UniSkills ‘Skill Camp’ which will remain a regular activity in UniSkills Events throughout the year.

You Create Yourself!

These three words elucidate the essence of Eklavyaism. The way Eklavya ensured the continuity of his learning, UniSkills has determined to make Life Long Learning an integral part of each life.

Eklavya-ism stands for learning by self. This is a principle which denotes ‘self-learning’ and ‘self-perfectionism’. It is learning by observation too. The disciple learns, even if the teacher isn’t available physically. Dronacharya wasn’t there but Eklavya made an idol of him and kept his learning alive.

Mahabharata conveys ‘Eklavyaism’ as a learning philosophy. It is sometimes being recognised as a sentiment or a Bhava.

In the present day of the global learning environment, which is marked by the competitive life, ‘Learning by Self’ has become a necessity. We do not suggest the absence of the teacher, but we advocate a multi-dimensional learning and skill development. For that, one has to be like Eklavya-who could learn, even if the availability of resources was not there.

We all learn by observation as well. This way we all are prodigy humans carrying infinite potential which must be realised.

Our Mission of EduSoMedia, Skill Tourism, Skill Kurukshetra, Internet Maturity and each initiative is inspired by the spirit of Eklavyaism.

Educational Technology- EdTech and EduSoMedia Models of Learning that we have been practising for over 10 years are based on the same concept that Eklavya suggested through his efforts. ‘The have-not’s must be brought to the haves category.’  

As said before, Eklavyaism is in the 'mind'. Eklavyaism is a belief in learning.

One of UniSkills’ UNIQUE and much-appreciated initiatives is the READING CLUBs. Reading has become a forgotten art that people seldom read to their heart. It is more of the criteria fulfilling work culture nowadays in the schools where children learn less of reading and forget more of their natural capabilities to learn and use a language.

We have started this READING Club as an inspiration from the small children who are craving for books and we are ‘gifting’ e-books. We have observed this thing among parents that they want the child to control the ‘Mobile Phone’ usage but it has failed.

By way of making the small wonders touch books; we are putting our best efforts to get a ‘comeback’ of reading life. Books have been our best of friends and we can never stay away from this friend.


Children come and take a book of their choice and read. Sometimes they exchange their own books and make friends. Story Telling, Creative Writing, Illustrations, Character Portrayal, Role Play and Small-Acts are also part of the Reading Club.

We organise Children Literature Festivals as well. The learners who become a part of the Reading Club become the Alumni of UniSkills and are also trained for Communication Skills and Phonetics equipped Spoken English.

Tourism is one of the most significant contributors to globalisation. Business Travel has become Business Tourism. Another known development, especially for India, has been Medical Tourism and Religious Tourism.

UniSkills wants to introduce the ‘isolated’ but the potential area of learning advancement: Skill Tourism. We are based in Kurukshetra with a network of Skill Development Facilitators and Skill Coaches all over the world. Our network of collaborators in Team UniSkills is so strong that we can deliver world-class Skills and Training anywhere. But, we have chosen this land of Srimad Bhagavadgita to do the Karma of Skill Sharing.

Skill Tourism is about getting learners from other places, especially the terribly crowded big cities and metro cities. As one comes to small and peaceful cities like Kurukshetra for serene vacations, we aim at Learners who take time out of our short-term Skill Courses at Kurukshetra.

This will definitely be the trendsetter in terms of less expensive but more productive Learning Model as the cities like Kurukshetra have more possibilities of sustainable learning.

We want the learners from Kurukshetra to stay at their own place and learn the same standards they get attracted to. We are result oriented and aim at a sustainable change through Skill Kurukshetra Mission.

We invite the learners to forget the boundaries of districts, states and countries to Kurukshetra- The Land of Gita!

Join Skill Tourism.

Internet Maturity is the most important 'competency' in the 21st century. One cannot survive by denying the utility of the Internet.

Communication over the internet is exposed to dangers. This is well known to all of us that without being aware, we cannot keep our existence secure over the Internet-Based Platforms (IBPs). We also know the fact that security or safety over the internet can never come by staying away from these global possessions.

Rather than arguing about the good-bad, safe-unsafe or yours-mine over the World Wide Web, we should better be equipped with MATURITY.

Mature is not the one who stays away or is individually safe over the web 2.0 or web 3.0 worlds. Mature is not even the one who knows the nuances of using high-end gadgets. Internet Mature is one who utilises the internet to the best of its potential. Internet Mature is the person who knows what can be done through the Internet and what SHOULD not be done!

An Internet Mature Learner knows what role this tool plays in career and life. We can safeguard ourselves as well as others. The WannaCry and other attacks have justified the need to be a conscious user over the internet.

UniSkills asserts the reality felt each day that we have free internet nowadays but the cost we are paying for our negligence and ignorance is very high. There is a need to be Internet Mature and that is why we have felt that spreading Social Media Smartness, EduSoMedia and Internet Maturity are the solutions we can offer to people around us in India.

UniSkills feel proud of our mentor friend, Raghu Pandey who has penned down India’s first Internet Maturity and Digital Citizenship book in a very interesting manner.

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